Hellllllo amigos!
Well, to put it simply, I am living off of beans, rice, and thick corn tortillas. However, it is BULK! I don´t know how I´m going to lose weight when they feed me like I´m a newborn. Hopefully it´s not some attempt to fatten me up so I can be their sacrifice... I don´t think that would fly with my director.
Moving on... I have also been very privileged in the way of pancakes. No joke. I get pancakes every other day for breakfast, with syrup! It´s awesome, but filling. When I am not being fed pancakes for breakfast, I usually get fed bologna sandwiches or pan con jugo de naranja (bread with orange juice). The best meal is LUNCH! I always get a new dish, and I get a delicious platano on the side. It´s kind of sad... I´ve relied so heavily on my boiled platano that if I don´t get one, my face drops and my eyes get watery. It´s a little pathetic, I´m aware.
NEWS: This week I am giving my first charla to a class, teaching them the ways of entrepreneurship and what-not. The problem = I still don´t speak Spanish... Wish me luck =)
I have attached some pictures that I took today to appease you all. Above are my site-mates Luis, Paul, and Nga. Our classroom switches every 3 weeks to a new house, and our profesora changes every 3 weeks as well. Also, I have posted a picture of the police station. There was a riot here last week, and most of the furniture and police vehicles were destroyed. I don´t really know if I have the right to explain the story much further, so if you are curious, shoot me an email.
Love to all!
Hey Aleia....Like you need to worry about gaining a pound or two, please!!! If them be 'red beans & rice', you are living the good life for sure. Have you been allowed or asked to do any of the cooking yet? Photos you posted are great. Assume the one picture is of the family media room. Does your little tv work down there? I'm sure you were told to stay out of the local politics. Good luck with your class talk. Know they will get your message ok. We are having our summer heat wave here right now. The temp is at 90 deg, but the humidity is only 22%. Have fun and enjoy it all. LOVE YOU....gp Mike
ReplyDeleteHey lady, glad to see the pictures are still coming! A riot you say? Was it over a soccer game? lol jk. I am glad to hear that you are at least getting some delicious food to eat. How is the weather going, or rather how is the humidity? And what I am sure are giant bugs the size of cats? We are getting your package together, sorry it is coming so slowly but we have some pretty big plans coming up that is costing us a lot of money, I will send you an email discussing all, and before you put that evil on me no I am not pregnant! Love you and miss you.
well, tell me more about this riot? Was it in connection with you? We all know what a "bad girl" you are! So about this class, don't be nervous, you will do just fine, just talk with your hands, it is the universal language, just don't let the birdy fly, that will cause a riot!
ReplyDeletelove you mucho, i am bilingual too!
Heya! Send me an email, I'm interested in the riot. Hope I don't have to come down to bail you outta jail anytime soon! Love & miss you & hope to hear from ya soon.
ReplyDeleteHi Grandpa - hahaha. well if i can avoid gaining wait that would be ideal. a heat wave huh? is it a dry heat? sorry, couldn´t resist some AZ humor.I haven´t done the cooking, and I honestly haven´t had time to test out the tv, but will soon. Love you!
ReplyDeleteAmanda - you are totally prego! hahaha. don´t worry about the package, but remember to try to keep it small if you can. email me about these plans. are you doing civilian contracting??? miss you!
mom - hahahaha, yea i think they know what the bird is here, so that would be bad. the riot was not over me, this time. love you!
dad - don´t worry, i am not going to jail anytime soon... i don´t think. love you