Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Aleia did NOT fall in the volcano!

Hi my blogger followers.
Hope life is going well for each of you! And if you think your life is bad, just think about how bad your life would be if you fell into a volcano... yea... life´s looking pretty good now in´it?
Well, I "hiked" Vólcan Masaya the other day. I say hiked because we took a van most the way, and then I climbed some stairs. Worth it! This is an active volcano people, and I gotta admit... I´m impressed with myself for not falling in. It was hard to overcome, but I took the challenge, and then I smashed it with my fisticles! New word, feel free to pass it on.
Anyway, I had my spanish interview today, and I will find out what level I am at on Monday. Also, our PC training staff bought us pizza at a lecture last week, and I thought I was going to faint. You´d be surprised how much a simple slice of pizza goes. That reminds me. MOM: I am going to request that when I come back home in a year/year and 1/2, I would like to go to Olive Garden.... I know, shocker.
Attached are some pictures of the volcano, a mural that was in the museum upon entering the volcano, some of the trainees (shout out!) on the bus, me and some amigos, and Dave looking into the pit of hel..uh.. the volcano. Don´t worry, he didn´t jump.

Love to all,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sha Na Na Na Na Na Na Na!!!!!

I just got done with my 4-day volunteer visit in Camoapa, Boaco (Cam-wap-o, Bwa-co) with a very friendly volunteer who has just hit her one year mark. It was really cool getting to see the projects she was involved in, and how she interacts with the community. However, it also reinforced the fact that machismo exists in every town, no matter how long you have lived there. Looks like I am just going to have to get used to cat calls for the next 2 years.
One of the funniest parts of this mini-adventure was when I was listening in on the volunteer and her counterpart making the lesson plan. I got distracted because somewhere in the distance, and by distance I mean right outside the classroom, I could have sworn I heard Guns N´Roses... next thing I know, 6 male students just bust out singing "Welcome to the Jungle".... quite accurately I might add. Apparently 80´s rock music didn´t just inspire Americans. So, Guns N´ Roses, the Nicas solute you!
I have posted some pics of Camoapa (it´s green there...shocking), my host-volunteer´s kitchen, and my personal favorite: Sharron´s (pronounced Cha-rrrr-on) birthday party. Piñatas are very popular here, but the catch is, you have to dance for a few minutes, take a swing, dance some more, swing, dance... you get the picture. I´ll be honest, I was extremely entertained.
Now back to my normally abnormal life in Nicaragua. Love to all!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rice, Beans, & Pancakes?

Hellllllo amigos!
Well, to put it simply, I am living off of beans, rice, and thick corn tortillas. However, it is BULK! I don´t know how I´m going to lose weight when they feed me like I´m a newborn. Hopefully it´s not some attempt to fatten me up so I can be their sacrifice... I don´t think that would fly with my director.
Moving on... I have also been very privileged in the way of pancakes. No joke. I get pancakes every other day for breakfast, with syrup! It´s awesome, but filling. When I am not being fed pancakes for breakfast, I usually get fed bologna sandwiches or pan con jugo de naranja (bread with orange juice). The best meal is LUNCH! I always get a new dish, and I get a delicious platano on the side. It´s kind of sad... I´ve relied so heavily on my boiled platano that if I don´t get one, my face drops and my eyes get watery. It´s a little pathetic, I´m aware.
NEWS: This week I am giving my first charla to a class, teaching them the ways of entrepreneurship and what-not. The problem = I still don´t speak Spanish... Wish me luck =)
I have attached some pictures that I took today to appease you all. Above are my site-mates Luis, Paul, and Nga. Our classroom switches every 3 weeks to a new house, and our profesora changes every 3 weeks as well. Also, I have posted a picture of the police station. There was a riot here last week, and most of the furniture and police vehicles were destroyed. I don´t really know if I have the right to explain the story much further, so if you are curious, shoot me an email.

Love to all!