Can you hear that? That glorious sound… that mixture of screaming and laughing that invokes a variety of emotions deep in the pit of your… well, wherever it dwells, the point is that SCHOOL HAS BEGUN! While some of you readers might be groaning over the fact that you have been in school for the last few weeks, gracefully raising a certain hand extension at me, others might be more curious as to why I am so ecstatic, and thus resisting the urge to lift their middle finger (For those of you without a middle finger, I apologize. It was inconsiderate of me to make assumptions. Furthermore, might I suggest lifting the middle finger of your other hand? It’s just as effective). Due to the large amount of my personal work being conducted within the school walls, I have been counting the days, nay, the hours down to see my kiddies. I feel much more confident with my Spanish skills, and thus more competent in the classroom. Of course, the first day of class was actually a mandated fiesta…but that’s beside the point. On the 3rd day of class, it was straight-up, hard-core, knowledge-creating time (The hyphen is underestimated). The three communities I work in are all extremely unique, differing in classroom management to expectations in general. However, this year I hope to bring students from all three schools together, in an attempt to inspire imagination, increase insight, and ignite innovation at the Small Business Competition that I will be conducting. So cross your fingers and don’t spill the salt because this is my ultimate test. Updates will be included in future posts.
In my site, there is a giant construction process occurring, constituting of the seriously-needed repair of the highway. Workers are shredding boulders into pebbles, taking their prey from land above and sea below, in an effort to create suitable material to create a suitable highway. No, not suitable. This highway will be awesome. Other highways might erode upon hearing of the almighty awesomeness of this highway. Construction workers from all over Central America, nay, THE WORLD, will come to Nicaragua to revel at the beauty of the highway, wanting to walk, drive, sleep, and eat on only this highway. In thousands of years, when the sun has become a supernova, this highway will break off from the world, and continue to float in space because not even a giant-growing-about-to-explode-star could take away from the fantastic glory of this highway.
A really sweet second project that has arisen from the highway construction (unintentionally, but who cares?) is the creation of a dam/canal in the widest part of the river. The workers obtained permission from the mayor to take materials from the riverbed (not difficult during the dry season) in order to construct the highway. In an attempt to get permission, they also added that they will build a barrier to the river so that water would not flood habitants during the rainy season; by narrowing and deeperring?deepeffying?..uhm..oh! deepening the river, everybody wins. Or so I’m told. Pictures of these processes are above. Other pictures include my giant mangos, which I am still waiting to ripen... ok, they aren't that giant. Don't judge me. Also, the two banana trees in my backyard are making an impression; one is dying... please come back to life little guy!
Anyway...I’m off to explore. Hope you are having a wonderful day, and as always, smile. =)
Hi Teach! I always enjoy your newest messages. They are so very wonderfully written. You should definately be a writer or commedian. I haven't sent a care package as yet, but it will get there eventually. We will be going to Pinetop soon (2 months) and begin to enjoy the summer once again. I know you will be an awsome teacher and your students are very fortunate to have such a wonderful young woman to put them on the right track. Anxious to read you next blog, as I know it will be as entertaining as the last. Love you and miss you, Grandma C