Hola amigos!
Sorry it´s been so long since my last post. Apparently my memory has not improved since moving to Nicaragua... sad. Anyway, recent news! I am officially going to become a PC volunteer in 2 weeks! After which I will be moving to my new site to live for the next 2 years. Exciting right!? I think so! I cannot leave the name of my new site for security reasons, but feel free to email me if you´re curious. The site has 2,000 people (but I don´t know where the other 1,800 are hiding), a river, no toilets, no showers, no bank, no panaderia (bread store), and I´m basically going to be camping for 2 years. How´s THAT for extreme? But, if you want to visit, don´t worry. There´s a big city an hour and a half away by bus (the only form of transportation here really) so I´ll put you up there. I will also be commuting to 2 nearby towns (30 away by bus and rough terrain) to teach the entrepreneurship course to high school students, and probably English courses too. Should be a good time!
We recently had to make an American-style dish for our host families. Luis, the guy with the sweet goggles above, prepared spaghetti for about 15 people, and the pictures prove it. It was delicious! These cool cats are only going to be my site-mates for another 2 weeks so we are bound to have some more fun times in a compact amount of time. Hopefully I will have my camara with me during said times. I will make sure to post pictures of my new site and try to remember to bring it to the swearing in ceremony. Until next time, miss you all and remember to smile.